Primal's Mental Domination
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Studio:Primal's Mental Domination
bad decisions. She doesnt believe that things that can lower her inhibitions could lead her to do things with people she would never have otherwise, even being reckless enough to let them record it. Every time her stepdad lifts his glass, she begins to lose her inhibitions. In spite of her rebellious nature, Demi believes that going out and partying is not a risk of making bad decisions. She doesnt believe that doing things that can lower her inhibitions could lead her to do things with people she would never have otherwise done. Even being reckless enough to let them record it. Every time her stepfather lifts his glass, she begins to lose inhibitions. As he tries to explain to her, she becomes a little more relaxed. Demi is very rebellious and doesnt think going out an partying could lead her to making bad decisions. She doesnt believe that doing things that can lower her inhibitions could lead her to doing things with people she would never have otherwise. Even being reckless enough to let them record it. As her stepdad tries to make her understand...