Notorious PIG: My 700 Pound Life Audition Tape – MP4 hd – HFG Multimedia bbw feeder

Notorious PIG: My 700 Pound Life Audition Tape - MP4 hd - HFG Multimedia bbw feederTo find more videos from
SSBBW Ivy and Friends
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Studio:SSBBW Ivy and Friends
Length:22 min
gluttony, Notorious PIG knows he has exceeded his limit and now struggles to accomplish simple tasks on a daily basis. He is worried about his health as well. Notorious knows he doesnt live a normal 26-year-old life. He lives as a lazy fat pig. The film shows you photos from his thinner days, telling you about his struggles with his weight and his weight history. It shows you what he might eat on a regular basis. He knows hes taken things too far with his gaining and gluttony, which have spiraled out of control and he now struggles with basic tasks on a daily basis. His health is also causing him a great deal of concern. Notorious knows he isnt living the life of a 26-year-old. He lives like a lazy fat pig. He shows you photos from his thinner days as he discusses his fat struggles and his weight history. Here are some examples of what he might eat every day The Notorious PIG weighs over 700 pounds and knows hes gone too far with his eating. His gluttony has spiraled out of control, and now he is having trouble performing basic tasks. His health is also a major concern for him. Its clear to him that hes not living a normal 26-year-old life. The life of a lazy fat pig is what he lives. His fat struggles, his...